P & C

The P&C promotes community participation in the activities of the school. All parents and guardians of students at the school are members and other interested individuals may become members. The P&C has a number of objectives including:

The P&C also conducts social functions and fundraising activities and organises the election of parent members to the School Board. All community members are welcome to attend monthly P&C Meetings. The P&C organises the canteen, operates a uniform sales service and a second-hand clothing pool. The P&C also regularly assists with school functions and organises social and fundraising activities including the very popular annual fete.

Parent and Community representatives are elected to the School Board and serve a term of 2 years. The Board Chair is elected from the parent representatives.

President -  Ben Morrison - weetangera.pc.president@gmail.com
Vice President - Nicole Sadlier - weetangera.pc.vp@gmail.com

Secretary - Susan Trainor - weetangera.pc.secretary@gmail.com
Assistant Secretary - Georgina Quinn

Treasurer - Alison - weetangera.pc.treasurer@gmail.com
Assistant Treasurer - Anna Hemmings